More Exciting Elliott Yamin News!

'Hey everybody! I'm so glad ya'll are feeling my version of "This Christmas"! As you know it is already streaming on AOL, and should be available for purchase on iTunes today! Just wanted to make sure my fans had a chance to vibe with it 1ST!...In case you haven't noticed, there is also a short video of the making of "This Christmas" in the studio on my profile page..The concoction of talent used to build this song was incredible! DJ man Ollie layed down the of the sickeest pianists I've horns and guitar...and to top it all off, we were blessed w/the live drum track from an old school legend by the name of James Gatson...He was Bill Withers' drummer back in the day!!(check out his live @carnigie hall album-just 1 of my personal favorites!)...I will also be featured in the latest issue of People Magazine, which I believe should be hitting the newstands today as well! I'm so grateful for your patience and support....and elated to finally be able to release some music to the masses! Trust me when I say that this is only the beginning of greater things yet to come! I'm just as hungry as you are, and that's why I've been so busy writing w/some top notch katz for the album! There are tons of great things on the horizon for me right now and I truly can't wait to share all the news w/ya'll! I'm very blessed.....and so are you!.....Stay tuned for the scoop on where I'll be on Christmas day!' I'm soo Excited!! Stokin Awesome!
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