A Site for Fans of Elliott Yamin + All Things Soulful
Friday, November 03, 2006
Elliott Breaks Records! E Wins Moosak's Top 100 Music Artist 6 Months in a Row!
Congratulations, Elliott! Elliott wins Moosak's Top 100 best music artist poll for October! E has won -- and broken records -- six months in a row! Elliott earned an astounding 290,666 votes in October! A new Moosak record! Over 115,000 more than September's impressive 175,510 votes! Elliott scored 144,141 votes in August (even with a new voting system that reduced votes!) and won a record breaking 191,116 votes in July and 169,247 in June! Elliott has won Moosak's Top 100 and broken records every month since first breaking Moosak's record with 37,785 votes in May! Way to go, Elliott! u rock! Thanks so much to all the amazing E fans! Go Etrain! We luv u, Elliott! Michael Slezak writes in Popwatch for EW.com, 'Isn't it time for an Elliott Yamin update? It's been 7 hours and 89 days…approximately, anyway... since I last blogged about Elliott Yamin. I came to this realization when I tried to use my E-card this morning, and it was declined. Clearly, this situation needs to be remedied, and fortunately, the most charming and naturally gifted vocalist of American Idol's fifth season is making headlines today, allowing me to do just that. Woot! According to MTV News, Elliott is touring with Taylor Hicks' former band Little Memphis Blues Orchestra; but the folks at Yaminions.com say that's not the case, that LMBO merely backed Elliott during his recent gig at the Virginia State Fair. To which I say, WHY HASN'T ELLIOTT BEEN SIGNED TO A MAJOR LABEL YET?!?! Whew. Sorry 'bout that. Okay, I'm calm now. Really. But check out these YouTube clips (thanks to PopWatcher Justin Castillo for the heads-up) of E-Double and LMBO performing "Use Me,"
"I Believe to My Soul," and "Whipping Post," and tell you don't feel the outrage a little, too.' Absolutely, Michael! Right on! Well said! Idolwire reports 'LiMBO did play with Elliot at the Virginia State Fair on October 8th to rave reviews for both band and singer. Check out these videos from www.yaminions.com. Oh, how I’ve missed you, Elliot!.. I am not-so-patiently waiting for the day when I can see Elliot in concert and buy his CD. What’s the holdup? Somebody gave Paris Hilton a record contract for Pete’s sake! Don’t make me come to Hollywood…' A few more highlights from Elliott's fantastic solo concert in Richmond with Little Memphis Blues Orchestra (LiMBO).. What's Going On
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