Elliott, you're beautiful, man. We love you. You move us to the core of our being, deep down with your sweet, sweet soul. Thanks etrain for hipping us to the wonderful
article on Elliott. It's amazing what you've had to overcome, Elliott. You take my breath away. And you've touched so many others like myself who who can relate to and identify with the many things you've had to endure. We have tremendous respect and admiration for you. So many of us are soul survivors. We got your back. You truly bring joy and have an inspiring gift to share with the world. You've touched so many. You share, sooth the soul, make us laugh, make us cry, give us hope, touch our dreams, and make us feel and marvel at the wonder of this discovery. And more and more are discovering, sharing

and marveling at your gift, soul and passion. I just wanted to send you some love from the etrain and let you know how truly special, one

of a kind and loved you are. You're golden and

inspire others, and are most definitely, undeniably, a total babe hottie in addition to being a beautiful, awesome, wonderful person inside and out! You're the MAN! The best! We admire you and dig you so much. Thanks for bringing it. You put these tinseltown posers to shame with your classy substance and dignity. Don't let shallow superficial gone Hollywood types (artificial slicksters, lame freepers, image junkies, pr machines, trolls, hyped up spin falsely distorting your image as 'the ugly guy'--which is absolutely ridiculous nonsense!), don't let losers and freepers get ya down. u da BOMB, baby! The Etrain is rollin and growin and we know you're thudtastic, a total babe hottie... hot, Hot, HOT! (Gotta say I do dig the ryan seacrest hair and goatee--it's hot, man, very GQ.) And I'm still swoonin over Home, If I Can Dream, What You Won't Do For Love and A House Is Not A Home, baby...you looked hot in the finale! Quite FINE, indeed. It's so refreshing that someone is hot, talented and real for a change. That's what we can relate to. Everything else looks and smells like a plastic circus. So this hype nonsense is absurd. They were probably adding drama to the show early on so they could show us what a remarkable and hot talented babe you are; well, you're a star on the rise now, and downplaying your appeal, looks and talent just makes em look foolish. Methinks the freepers need to get on the etrain. All aboard! I'm feelin the spirit movin me to my soul. We totally luv ya, E. And thanks for that wonderful heartfelt thank you. We know you feel the luv. Check out moosak for inspiration, baby! You may enjoy this fine
article. I emailed this reply: 'Fine article. Yes, Elliott was fantastic! Wonderful soulful bluesy anthem! Many trolls were stirring up trouble on eboards over weekend. Pay them no mind, (and tell Elliott to pay them no mind) price of success when ya make it big I guess... better to blow off and ignore the unavoidable trolls. Elliott was da BOMB! E=a mighty fine talent! Thanks for the article. Sending lotsa luv + support to Elliott! E's the best! Elliottfan' Feel free to ignore lame trolls with an agenda who try to say he's this, that, looks this way, acts that way, sounds that way, whatever... guess it's just the bummer side that goes with fame and stardom.) Anyway, the tinseltown media machine (as you're very hip to--and we are too) churns out these stereotypical hyped up (often bogus) narratives all the time. 'It ain't your night, kid. We're goin for the price on Wilson.' Ain't your night? 'I could've taken Wilson apart. It was you Charlie, you were supposed to look out for me just a little bit instead of makin me take those short end dives for the easy money. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender instead of a bum.' Brando was no bum. Very fine, hot, talented, poised man of substance and style. We've all been so touched, moved and impressed by how decent, down to earth and what a class act you've been. You inspire others and give us faith that there are good decent people in the world with character, conviction and integrity. Thanks for keepin it real, Elliott.
We love you.
Your kind genuine sincerity and humble spirit is moving, and we love that you're centered and grounded and don't allow all this hype to go to your head like so many. You're perceptive and sensitive like we are, and that's an incredibly good, wonderful, refreshing thing, especially in today's world, and especially in tinseltown. We need more people like you in the world, Elliott. You amaze and inspire us, and we love that you're so real, hip, perceptive and soulful. The anthem the other night was really fantastic. Very fine. So groovin and soulful. We absolutely loved it. We were cheering--it was awesome! We were so glad to hear that crowd roarin, cheerin and shaking the rafters...they were cheering so loud you couldn't even start the song! It was truly awesome, amazing and wonderful, man. It was a beautiful thing to behold. You musta made it big cuz even the trolls were out tryin to stir things up and plant absurdities--please ignore trolls and don't be phased by such ridiculous talk. If you're goin for a soulful vibe (which you nailed, by the way), you embrace it the way you wonderfully did (you don't start in some low key way down in the gutter that you can't even begin to groove with). This is not opera. This is not Citizen Kane. Nor should it be. Your rich tenor soared and grooved with those wonderful soulful blues runs. Loved it. We felt it, man. It was da BOMB! Thank god Coltrane was a brilliant soulful jazz artist who interpreted My Favorite Things (rather than co-starring in the Sound of Music movie and copying a rehash of the soundtrack, geez). I never cease to be amazed.
Listen to Donny, man. Don't lose faith in yourself cuz ppl will try to rip you once you're in the spotlight. No need to pay them any mind. We're sending lots of love to you. You deserve it. You've given us so much. Surely you know you're so very beloved and beautiful, man. The ultimate hottie with much heart and substance that moves us to our very core with your rich vibrant soul and spirit of humility and humanity. E is definitely the sexiest AI finalist. You need look no further if you need a reminder. (Course, I think you're totally thudworthy of the top hot bachelor lists...Hollywood can't be that blind. The world isn't and neither are we.) You go, Elliott! Sendin major well-deserved props to you. We luv you, Elliott!
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