A Site for Fans of Elliott Yamin + All Things Soulful
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Great News From Elliott Yamin! Congratulations! Elliott Signs!
Great News From Elliott Yamin! Congratulations! Elliott Signs! Elliott just posted a blog with the great news on his myspace page: 'Hey everybody! I just posted a brand new blog for the 1st time ever! I'm sooooo proud of myself!...be sure and check it out.. Exciting news and updates! Please read the following to find out what I've been up to! Current mood: excited.. 'Hey everybody! Just want to update you guys on few exciting things. First off, I want to express my gratitude to all of you devoted and beloved fans for your continuous support and patience! Well it's official...I just signed my publishing deal with Sony and I am going to release my first holiday song on AOL which comes out next week. The song is a cover of Donny Hathaway's "This Christmas", which has been a classic staple during the holiday season for years. I can't wait for ya'll to hear it, and I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do! I also want apologize to anyone who may have been expecting to see me on the ABC Disney Christmas Special. Right now my main focus is to write and record as much material as possible to prepare for my upcoming album...and time is of the essence! Which segues us into the following: I have been working diligently and tirelessly in the studio. I hooked up w/some great writers in Nashville a couple of weeks ago and I'm currently in Atlanta this week writing/recording w/some extremely talented producers! Please stay tuned for a sneak peak and first listen of some new material of mine as well as videos of myself up close and personal in the studio! Bare with me as I am just starting to become myspace savvy and learning more about how to keep in touch w/everybody using this incredible networking machine! Have a wonderful holiday season and may God bless you all!' Oh Elliott! I'm soo Excited!! Congratulations! I can't wait! I knew there was a reason I couldn't sleep and had to wake up and check things out! I had a sixth sense! THUD!! Oh, baby, now I gotta update da blog! Soo Excited for ya! Soo wayy cool! Stokin Awesome! Thanks so much for the exciting news! I'll get it posted as soon as I can to spread da word! Go Elliott! We love you soo much! You are the Man!! Yeah! Outstanding! Boy, you knock me out! Thud! Take it easy and have a great one! Can't wait for 'This Christmas' and everything else! Groovin! u r da best!! Much luv and aloha, I Believe In My Soul! http://ibelieveinmysoul.blogspot.com/ http://www.myspace.com/ibelieveinmysoul
'Hey everyone! First of all, I want to thank you for all of the amazing comments and support over the past several months. I promise to keep the updates coming on a regular basis from this point on...so please check back because you never know what we're going to post at any give any given moment (maybe a sneak peek at some new music??????). I know that there are a bunch of questions about my record and when it's coming out - not to mention the rumors that are floating around out there. One thing I can tell you is that I've been writing and recording a bunch of songs for the record with some great people, and I can't wait to share the music with everyone. I've been in Los Angeles, Nashville and Richmond - heading to Atlanta next week to write and record as well. There are a lot of interesting opportunities for releasing my record...please do not worry because it's coming soon! Remember...just because we haven't announced a label yet does not mean that I am not working on and releasing my music. We are exploring all of the options and are very focused on a situation that would be the best of all worlds. Over the next couple weeks you will notice changes to the MySpacepage, and I will be posting messages regularly (blogs, video, audio). I am in the studio now finishing up a song that we started this past week, and I just finished a song for the holidays...it's a cover of Donny Hathaway's version of "This Christmas." I can't wait for you guys to hear it and I will make sure that all of my "friends" get to sample it first. I look forward to seeing everyone on tour in '07! Please be patient over the next few weeks...good things are coming soon!!!! Love, Elliott' ..OMG, Elliott! I'm soo excited! Thank you so much! You got me through some dark days..Much gratitude for keeping the dreams alive! You are the best! Been feelin da E luv! Am stoked ecstatic with all the wonderful E news! I Can't Wait! Awesome! And, oh, man..the Donny Hathaway is magical! Your version of 'I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know' is absolutely incredible! Unbelievable! So Soulful. Rich. Bluesy. Powerful. I can't stop listening to it and watching it! Oh, I would soo luv it if you recorded that! Beautiful! Man, you did Donny proud.. I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know
I Believe To My Soul! Thanks for being so wonderful! You are so amazing, Elliott! We all love you so much! Thank you for moving us and touching the very heart of our soul..you have a remarkable gift, a tremendous talent and vibrant depth of the soulful spirit..truly outstanding! u rock! Go Elliott! You shine ever so brightly! I Believe To My Soul
Home is mesmerizing..Thanks for the inspiration! Home
Sendin much love your way..Good luck with everything! You deserve the very best! Much love and aloha to you and your family and loved ones..thanks for making our day a little brighter..we enjoyed seeing you five times in concert and can't wait for your tour and your record! (my man loves ya too! we're huge E fans!) Your solo concert in Richmond with LiMBO was inspired! Magnificent performance! Best concert ever! It's a beautiful, beautiful thing! Thank you so much! Thud! I imagine you may never see this..but wanted to send da E luv your way..
Wild ecstatic props to Rg at Yaminions for a Fantastic diary, 'Then You May Take Me To The Fair'! Simply Outstanding! Way to go, Rg! A Beauty! A Classic! Just like Elliott's magical performance! Masterful! Thank you so much! And thank you CA24, Tia, Brandon and Laclos for exquisite pictures and video that, like Rg's eloquent piece, capture the vibrant energy and soulful beauty of Elliott! 'Elliott Yamin is right at home. There is a startling moment that occurs at the end of the bridge during the performance of Elliott Yamin’s 11 o’clock number, “I Love YouMore ThanYou’ll Ever Know”, that I caught while listening to his solo concert debut at the Virginia State Fair in Richmond. At a climactic pause in the music, a female audience member can be heard vocally exhaling, having been obviously caught up in the rapture of Elliott’s desperate musical plea and haunting cry, followed by a collective release from the rest of the audience.
Not only were these shout-outs the result of Elliott’s beautifully lush vocal and its successful connection to melody and lyric, but of the ultimate connection between performer and audience that stems from an honest commitment to the music and a riveting, yet relaxed stage presence. These elements, honed by Elliott during his three-month sojourn on “American Idol” (AI), which led to his emotionally-fraught third place finish, and further refined during his sixty performances on a national concert tour with AI this past summer, were solidified by occasional jam sessions with AI winner Taylor Hicks’ band - the Little Memphis Blues Orchestra (LiMBO) - the splendid Birmingham-based combo that shadowed the AI tour and subsequently backed Elliott for his most auspicious and triumphant homecoming event. For me, the most exciting prospect of Elliott’s first full-length production since leaving the confines of his AI contractual obligations, was the opportunity to hear that voice - the one that awoke me out of a late-winter stupor last February and dazzled me from the moment I first heard it. Once again, I was met by that rich and warm clarion tone complemented by a dark and husky flavor that rides just slightly under the surface of its current, along with a buttery vibrato, giving it a presence of singed luster. Elliott, along with the perfect meld of LiMBO’s styling, delivers an astonishing and eclectic mix of soul, R&B, and classic rock. Jumping into a teasing cover of Bill Withers’ “UseMe”, Elliott throws out to a rapturous reception the trademarks of his vocal prowess that will color his entire set for the evening: the growl that attacks key lyrical phrases, bent tones, melismatic runs and scats that enable him to squeeze every last emotion out of a song. I also believe Elliott has the most flexible larynx I’ve ever heard. He then soars into a gorgeous and atmospherically ringing “ReadyForLove’ with exquisitely blended head tones never before heard on AI. He redefines that song.
While Elliott’s voice may be heavily influenced by, and hauntingly evocative of, Hathaway, the scald of his dusky undercoat lends those songs a unique and dramatic edge. His “hipper version” of his finale “What’sGoin’On” reads as a hopeful paean, peppered by his exuberant and endearing scat while echoing the saxophonist’s embellishments. Elliott’s humble spirit was on display throughout with gracious acknowledgments to his fans and family, the local radio stations and the JDRF, as well as his enormous respect and admiration for his band during a scathing and ramped-up encore of the AllmanBrothers’ “WhippingPost”.
Elliott Breaks Records! E Wins Moosak's Top 100 Music Artist 6 Months in a Row!
Congratulations, Elliott! Elliott wins Moosak's Top 100 best music artist poll for October! E has won -- and broken records -- six months in a row! Elliott earned an astounding 290,666 votes in October! A new Moosak record! Over 115,000 more than September's impressive 175,510 votes! Elliott scored 144,141 votes in August (even with a new voting system that reduced votes!) and won a record breaking 191,116 votes in July and 169,247 in June! Elliott has won Moosak's Top 100 and broken records every month since first breaking Moosak's record with 37,785 votes in May! Way to go, Elliott! u rock! Thanks so much to all the amazing E fans! Go Etrain! We luv u, Elliott! Michael Slezak writes in Popwatch for EW.com, 'Isn't it time for an Elliott Yamin update? It's been 7 hours and 89 days…approximately, anyway... since I last blogged about Elliott Yamin. I came to this realization when I tried to use my E-card this morning, and it was declined. Clearly, this situation needs to be remedied, and fortunately, the most charming and naturally gifted vocalist of American Idol's fifth season is making headlines today, allowing me to do just that. Woot! According to MTV News, Elliott is touring with Taylor Hicks' former band Little Memphis Blues Orchestra; but the folks at Yaminions.com say that's not the case, that LMBO merely backed Elliott during his recent gig at the Virginia State Fair. To which I say, WHY HASN'T ELLIOTT BEEN SIGNED TO A MAJOR LABEL YET?!?! Whew. Sorry 'bout that. Okay, I'm calm now. Really. But check out these YouTube clips (thanks to PopWatcher Justin Castillo for the heads-up) of E-Double and LMBO performing "Use Me,"
"I Believe to My Soul," and "Whipping Post," and tell you don't feel the outrage a little, too.' Absolutely, Michael! Right on! Well said! Idolwire reports 'LiMBO did play with Elliot at the Virginia State Fair on October 8th to rave reviews for both band and singer. Check out these videos from www.yaminions.com. Oh, how I’ve missed you, Elliot!.. I am not-so-patiently waiting for the day when I can see Elliot in concert and buy his CD. What’s the holdup? Somebody gave Paris Hilton a record contract for Pete’s sake! Don’t make me come to Hollywood…' A few more highlights from Elliott's fantastic solo concert in Richmond with Little Memphis Blues Orchestra (LiMBO).. What's Going On