Elliott's solo concert performance in Richmond this evening with Little Memphis Blues Orchestra (LMBO) was spectacular! Truly magnificent! Elliott
grooved and
soared to
new heights! We absolutely
loved the concert! It was wonderful. Elliott really
shined tonight! He was radiant, glowing, like a seasoned pro! E looked so happy, relaxed and in his zone! I'm sure he was as stoked as we were! Elliott was groovin, he sounded, looked and was clearly feelin great and E even worked in some hot dance moves! We screamed! He was so hot, amazing and sexy! thud! sooo da BOMB!!

Elliott was OUTSTANDING!! STOKIN AWESOME!! AMAZING baby! thud!! it was so soulful! It was perfect!! oh it was so HOT!! it was just fantastic! more than i even imagined! man i got my E fix 4 life! it was a beautiful thing, baby! oh just perfect!

Elliott, u got ur album right there, baby! record dat baby live wit limbo and cut da hottest scorchin record! thud! damn it will sell!! hell, u can do another one in da studio too, baby! the more ya make, the more i'll buy! am in heaven!

When E launched into Donny Hathaway's
I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know .. well, I just died screaming my heart out, baby! I screamed and danced and cheered for Elliott through that whole magnificent performance! oh, it was more than I ever dreamed!

Elliott was remarkable, soulful, bluesy groovin..so damn fine! magnificent baby! oh, mercy! call da dr, baby! thud!! am thudding very hard here! I believe I am so damn proud and blown away by the talent and soul of our boy! Elliott was on fire and in his zone..perfect! magical! truly mesmerizing..i absolutely loved it! if i could imagine anything that

Elliott could do to be a perfect soulful performer beautifully singing his heart out, showcasing his talent, groovin soulful, bluesy, oh, just hitting it right on the money..this was it! Elliott just shined ever so brightly! I was absolutely floored..if anyone was there and saw the crazy woman in the 8th row (just a few rows behind claudette and scott) going absolutely crazy screaming when Elliott started singing Donny Hathaway's
I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know ..well, that soulsista was me..I couldn't believe E did that song! It was soo beyond fantastic!! Elliott tore the roof off tonight! More, more, more! Yeah, baby! this is exactly what u should be doin E! it was perfect! Awesome!! so da bomb! i think i just died and went to heaven, baby! oh, pure E bliss!! I love you, Elliott! What an amazing performance and concert and Elliott is so fantastic with dat hot Limbo band backin him! i believe in my soul baby! and Elliott has more soul than i could ever imagine..it was a beautiful, beautiful thing! Elliott was better than i could have imagined!

oh just awesome! awesome! beautiful! omg! i luv u guys! i love elliott so much! it was just remarkable! it was really perfect! i can't even put into words to do it justice..i'm just so moved and ecstatic by his performance! it was really really wonderful! he grooved..yes, tofu i loved the dancing too! we screamed for him when he was dancing and we were dancing too..i was crying yesterday and so depressed i thought we would never make it and then we show up with our lousy tickets way in back cuz i was out of town when they went on sale..and some seats became available and I just died!!

the 8th row!! my best seats ever!! I'll never forget it! Ever! I could honestly die a happy woman now! Bliss! Thud! Beautiful! I'm ecstatic!! Luv u E!! It was soo damn Awesome! I'm so proud and deeplu moved! I wanna cry with joy it was so good!! It was like when I was watchin E perform
I Believe To My Soul on TV during final 3 week and jumpin up and down screamin, 'Yeah! Yeah!' in my living room! E just hit it right out of the park! Wow! Beautiful! Ok, I's so stoked I have to try to remember all the fantastic songs E sang.. they were just incredible! So very Soulful! Yes! Very Bluesy! Very Hot! omg!! thud!! Let's see.. Elliott and Limbo opened with
Use Me.. so damn groovin and soulful! HOT!!! And then E launched into some smokin stevie ray style bluesy austin rock with his rendition of was it Bad Company? Wow!
Ready for Love baby! hubba hubba! thud! And,
I Believe To My Soul! Yeah! And Donny Hathaway and Marvin Gaye and
Whipping Post.. omg! It was a more soulful funky groovin version of
Whipping Post that built to the drivin crescendo of the Santana styled version we've seen E do with LMBO.. Elliott's version of Hathaway's
I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know, omg! Outstanding! brought da house down for me.. Thud!! And Hathaway's version of Marvin's
What's Going On smoked! Hot!! And
I Believe To My Soul was a cross between the live version we've seen him do with LMBO and the hot stokin version from the final 3 week.. Hot!! Loved it! Very bluesy and soulful!! And we screamed when E sang, 'You know my name is Elliott Yamin!' oh, Yeah! Thud! Also a wonderful bluesy Hathaway styled version of Carole King's
You've Got A Friend was also fantastic (it even smoked King's and James Taylor versions!)

Elliott performed at his solo concert in Richmond - Elliott & LMBO, 10/8/06:
Use Me (Bill Withers)
Ready for Love (Bad Company)
Little Ghetto Boy (Donny Hathaway)
I Believe To My Soul (Donny Hathaway/ Ray Charles)
You've Got A Friend (Carole King)
Empty Arms (Stevie Ray Vaughn)
I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know (Donny Hathaway)
What's Going On (Marvin Gaye)
Whipping Post (The Allman Brothers)

And Elliott's rendition of Stevie Ray Vaughn's
Empty Arms was so damn hot! sizzlin! scorchin! Elliott sounds great with LMBO! Smokin baby! Awesome!! One of my favs! And, then when E got down wit da Soulful Blues for Donny Hathaway's
I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know .. well, I just died! I couldn't believe it! I started screaming and cheering and clapping and standing up! And it's a Soulful heartrenching Blues Ballad! lol!! And I was like kinda up front! lol! I'm sure I looked completely crazy! roflmao! lol! But I just couldn't control myself I was so beside myself.. moved and so damned stoked! I couldn't believe he was doin that song! It was magnificent! Thud!! I would sing it to myself on Moosak and the E-boards and hope Elliott would do it.. and my dream just came true! Thank you, Elliott! You Blew. Me. Away!! I recognized the song and just lost it! Absolutely Amazing! That Hathaway song is just perfect for Elliott! And E was in fine form! Outstanding performance! It made me cry! It gave me chills! Oh, Mercy! Thud!
Little Ghetto Boy was good too..forgot that was Donny too! And of course Elliott was phenomenal fantastic doin his thang with LMBO on
Whipping Post,
What's Going On (Hathaway style Marvin), and Bill Withers'
Use Me! Soo da Bomb, baby! Thud! And Soulful! And Elliott sounded Hot and looked.. just, Wow! So damn handsome! Thud! E was hot!!! Oh, mercy! Was Elliott hot, Hot, HOT!! Thud! And so deep down Soulful! Oh! E sounded Amazing! Elliott looked so happy and in his element!

And he looked absolutely fantastic! Thud! I loved it! omg! E was so stoked,in the zone and absolutely Gorgeous tonight! Here's the wardrobe.. hot button down brown shirt which he tore off at da end and threw to da ladies who went wild! Hubba hubba! He was probably Hot after all those scorchin performances! Thud! Oh! Luv da longer hot wavy hair and of course da hot E face! Thud! And, oh yes! dat fine facial hair = H.O.T!!! Thud!! Sexay jeans.. definitely Hot! And many E fans will be pleased as he walked off after throwin dat shirt he had on not a white T but dat white tank top! Hubba hubba! Thud! Sexay arms too! Hot!! Thud! AMEN!! (I didn't get to meet anybody since we missed da parties yesterday..that's why I was sad yesterday, but we did see E fan, chloewannabe.. 3rd concert we've seen her at.. lol! we're hardcore E fans! Thud!) Mercy! Elliott is so da bomb! Thud!! Hot!! Yo! Was listenin to Donny and AWB on da way home! Sweet! ..wish I didn't have ta work tomorrow.. I'd ride da E train all nite.. u guys r so awesome! Thanks for the E luv ya'll! Luv u guys! Luv u E! It was na absolutely amazing, magical evening! Thud!! I'll never forget it. Thank you, Elliott.